Not being aware of all possible auto insurance discounts can lead to missed savings opportunities. Why pay higher premiums than you have to when you can take advantage of discounts and save.
If you want a discount auto insurance quote, you should ask if you’re eligible for one of the many available discounts:
Good Driver – Having one or no violations or accidents can give you around 20% discount on your rates.
Good Student – If a student has a “B” average or better, they may be eligible for a slight discount. Remember that all discounts add up to savings.
Multi Car – Having more than one vehicle on your policy will reduce your rate.
College Degree – Some companies offer a discount if you have a four year degree or better.
Mature Driver (for seniors) – a senior citizen can take a mature driver course for a discount. A copy of a certificate will be required.
Vehicle Safety – Some vehicle features automatically generate discounts. Some examples are low-jack, homing devices, alarms, air bags, automatic seatbelts and anti-lock brakes.
Good Credit – When applicable, companies will provide lower rates if you have good credit.
Low Mileage – If you don’t drive too often, ask about low mileage discounts. If you have more vehicles than drivers, the remaining vehicles can be listed as occasional use giving you great discounts.
Payment Method – If you pay your policy for six or twelve months in full, you avoid paying billing fees which are in the range of $15 per month. Another way to avoid paying a high billing fee is to allow the company to withdraw your payments from your bank account automatically. This will usually cut your billing fee in half.
Marriage – If you purchase your policy and then get married, be sure to notify your company of the changes. Married drivers get better rates than single drivers.
Non Smoker – If you don’t smoke, few companies will give you lower rates.
Multiple Lines – Having multiple policies with the same company can give you a multi line discount. One example is having your home and cars insured with the same carrier.
Get your discount auto insurance rates by simply asking for them. Most agents will not offer them, so make it your responsibility to ask. A good idea is to print out this article and keep it with you when obtaining quotes.
The best way to find savings is to compare auto insurance quotes online, it’s faster than calling around. provides the fastest way of comparing rates by price, brand, or financial strength. It’s free and there’s no obligation to buy.