If you have a bad riving record you may be worried about having to pay high auto insurance rates. That does not have to be the case if you know how and where to look.
There are three different types of driving record classifications:
You shouldn’t worry if you fall under the non standard category. There are auto insurance companies who specialize in the non standard category or “high risk” category drivers.
OnlineAutoInsurance.com offers multiple auto insurance quotes through a California based agency, Auto Solutions Insurance Services. Through their website, one can complete a simple form and compare multiple auto insurance quotes from various companies specializing in the non standard market.
The trick to finding a good rate even if you have a bad driving record is to shop around. OnlineAutoInsurance.com does the shopping for you. By completing one simple form, you can get online auto insurance quotes from the following companies:
Auto Solutions has been serving people with bad driving records for nearly a decade.
If you have major violations such as a DUI, you may need an SR 22 which can be easily obtained once you purchase at least minimum liability auto insurance.
There are multiple tips that we like to provide to consumers with bad driving records.
Having violations does not mean you have to pay a lot for auto insurance. Keep looking for the right insurance company, you’ll find it.
Stop by for a quick online auto insurance comparison at OnlineAutoInsurance.com