What Is No Fault Car Insurance?

What Is No Fault Car Insurance?

Michigan and Ohio are two states that border one another. Despite the fact that they are very close in proximity, there are many differences between the two! (Just ask college football fans). One of the main differences is the “No Fault Car Insurance” driving law that is intact in the Great Lakes State.

What Is No Fault Car Insurance?

In order to drive in Michigan, you must purchase Michigan no fault auto insurance. Michigan is a no fault car insurance state that doesn’t look for who is to blame after a car crash has occurred. According to DMV.org, “The aim of no fault car accident liability insurance policies is to lower legal costs. If each party involved in an accident is automatically reimbursed by his own insurance company, it reduces the need for insurance claims adjusters to go to court to determine which company is responsible for what damages.”

No-fault systems generally exempt individuals from the usual liability for causing body injury if they do so in a car accident; when individuals purchase “liability” insurance under those regimes, the insurance covers bodily injury of the insured and the insured’s passengers caused by a car accident, regardless of which party would be liable under ordinary common law tort rules. No-fault insurance has the goal of lowering premium costs by avoiding expensive litigation over the causes of accidents, while providing quick payments for injuries or loss of property.

Below is a list of all of the no fault insurance states:

  • Florida
  • Hawaii
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • North Dakota
  • Pennsylvania
  • Utah

No fault car insurance can certainly be confusing, especially if you don’t live in one of the 12 states that offer no fault car insurance. We highly encourage our readers to find more information out about what no fault car insurance is by visiting the DMV’s website. To get a cheap car insurance quote in any state, visit www.safeauto.com!