Debunking Myths About Affordable Auto Insurance

When it comes to purchasing affordable car insurance, you want to make sure that you always have the facts. Just finding a company and a policy that you feel comfortable with can be challenging enough, but with all of the crazy myths about affordable car insurance out there, if you don’t know your stuff, the process can quickly turn into a nightmare. So, while it’s important to always do your homework and be as prepared as possible when shopping for your next car insurance quote, we’ve taken the liberty of doing some of the legwork for you. We’ll help you debunk some of the most common myths about car insurance right here and right now, so sit down and take note!

Myth #1: Red Cars Are More Expensive to Insure:

Everyone seems to think that owning a red car will cost you. Maybe its because when we think of red cars, we think fast and/or reckless driving, but the truth is that the color of your car will not have any impact on your car insurance rate. In fact, chances are that your car insurance company will not even ask you the color of your car when they’re calculating your rate! Instead, they’ll be interested in the year, make, model, body type, engine size, and age of your vehicle.

Myth #2: It Costs More to Insure Your Car When You Get Older:

Actually, quite the opposite is true. Many drivers over 55 can actually qualify for a reduction in auto insurance rates if they’ve completed an accident prevention course (which are available through the AAA and AARP). Car insurance companies often provide up to a 10% discount for completion of the course. If you’re retired or not employed full-time, you also may be eligible for up to 5% off your car insurance.

Myth #3: Your Credit Score Does Not Affect Your Car Insurance Rate

This score actually does matter. Many car insurance companies take your credit score into consideration when you want to purchase, change, or renew your auto insurance coverage. The majority of people, however, have good credit, and since auto insurance scores are derived from a person’s credit history, most people will pay less for car insurance when these scores are taken into account.

Myth #4: Soldiers Pay More for Auto Insurance than Civilians:

If you’re in the military, you can actually qualify for a discount on auto insurance. You typically will have to provide some documentation or have your commanding officer make a phone call on your behalf, but many auto insurance companies even provide discounts for former members of the military and their families.

Myth #5: Traffic Tickets Will Increase Auto Insurance Rates

Having many traffic violations will definitely have an impact on car insurance rates, but not every ticket will directly affect your insurance premium. Parking tickets, for example, do not impact a policy. In cases of other traffic violations, it’s up to the car insurance company to determine whether premiums will increase. Violations such as speeding, running a red light, and careless driving are more than likely to have a negative impact.

One thing that is definitely not a myth is that SafeAuto Insurance offers the most affordable car insurance around. We can even prove it by giving you a free car insurance quote! Do you have more questions about common auto insurance myths or about SafeAuto in general? If so, visit our website at