California has become the seventh of 24 states in the country to make it legal to show an electronic proof of insurance. So, if you’re tired of reaching into the glove compartment when you’re unlucky enough to get pulled over, you no longer have to worry if you have a smart phone or a tablet.
According to an article in the LA Times, “On Jan. 1, California began allowing drivers to use the so-called e-insurance cards. By showing an electronic image, motorists can avoid trips to the courthouse to produce the paper insurance slip they couldn’t find as they nervously rummaged through old maps, owner’s manuals, and gas receipts. The e-version also lets them avoid have to pay fix-it tickets if forced to go to traffic court because they couldn’t find the paper document for the police officer.”
While insurance companies or policyholders are required to issue or use electronic documents, it looks like this might become the new wave of the future.
Would you rather have an electronic version of your auto insurance policy? There is certainly a new school vs. old school mentality when it comes to this new trend. Share your thoughts about the topic on our Facebook page. For a free quote from the most affordable insurance company around, visit