Did you know that your education level can be a factor in how much you pay for car insurance? Well, it’s true! Most state laws permit that the education level of drivers can be taken into account when they are determining their rates.
According to the advocacy group Consumer Federation of America in an article by Fox Business, “there are many non-driving behaviors that auto insurance companies look into when calculating motorists’ premiums, which can include: Gender, age, occupation, level of education, marital status, location, and previous insurance coverage.”
Insurance companies look to see where the risk is in their customers and rate drivers accordingly. “State laws try to protect consumers by not allowing discrimination, but this is normally in regards to acceptance decisions, not in the rating system itself to determine your premium account.”
Regardless, SafeAuto Insurance offers the most affordable insurance around. Visit our website at www.safeauto.com for a free quote and see for yourself!