How to Claim Car Insurance Experiencing Accident - Car insurance benefits clearly to protect the vehicle from things that are not desirable, such as an accident or loss, Although many who already understand the usefulness of car insurance, but there are still many who do not know how to car insurance claim. This is one reason why not many people are willing to insure his car. Though not too difficult actually to make car insurance claim
The following procedures car insurance claims in accidents:
Contact the car insurance
If you have an accident or lose, immediately contact the car insurance. At the latest within 3x24 hours you have been contacted. If the accident occurred outside the city, you can contact the branch office nearest car insurance or insurance company call center.
Prepare Documents Claims
The documents claim that it takes like photocopy of vehicle registration, copy of driver's license, and fill in the claim form provided.
You go to the insurance company to submit a claim. Insurers will photograph your car is and ask some questions. If so, then the work order (SPK) for the workshop will be published. And you stay bring it to a repair shop insurance partner.
If your car is badly damaged, you can contact the insurer to send a surveyor to look at the condition of the car. So you do not have to bother with the damaged car to car insurance office.