No doubt about it, there are some truly magnificent cars out there, and they come with a hefty price tag to boot. One potential way around some of the cost is to buy a replica car. There are several ways to buy a replica car, from buying the entire kit to purchasing one fully assembled from an individual hobbyist, or one of the many companies specializing in replica car construction. For this article we'll be looking at getting a replica car fully assembled.
Research your available options, making sure to check parts availability and cost. There are many places where you can find information about buying replica cars, and problems arising from owning a replica car. Make sure you are an informed consumer; know what you want and what you're willing to pay for it.
Decide which replica car to buy. This decision is a big one; make sure you know exactly what you're looking for, what the average price is for the car, and what your state laws are regarding replica or kit cars.
Research the builder once you've found an available car. Once again, Internet forums can be a good place to find a seller, parts availability and feedback on the builder's reputation. This goes for both individuals and replica car dealers; don't believe the hype on personal or company web sites, find customer feedback and see what real people actually have to say.
Work out the price of the replica car. Many hobbyists' and dealer prices are not set in stone, and they will haggle with you. Remember that some prices are inflated because the seller expects to haggle, so if possible, don't make an offer of the exact asking price. Make an offer, but make a serious offer.
Define the payment method; many sellers will not accept personal checks, preferring cash in hand, cashier's check (though this is becoming problematic with counterfeiting), or account-to-account transfers. When doing business with a replica car dealer ask about financing options; many dealers offer in-house financing, though you may pay more than you really wanted to in the end.
Pick up your replica car. The method of transporting you car home will depend on the condition of the vehicle, your intentions for the car, and your insurance situation. Many insurance companies will cover a new vehicle purchase for 30 days before requiring them to be added to your policy.