People often dream of the perfect vehicle they would like to own someday. When that day comes, why waste your time searching the lot for what you want? On the Jeep website you can choose the features for building your own Jeep Wrangler to spec so you can get exactly what you are hoping to find. Once you have purchased the exact Jeep Wrangler you desire, you can enjoy driving your dream vehicle every day.
View the website. The Jeep website was designed to help consumers review the Jeeps available for purchase. On the page you can get a brochure, build your own, sign up for the Jeep newsletter, estimate payments, and schedule a test drive.
Build a Jeep Wrangler. At the top of the page on the Jeep website click on the "Build Your Own" option. Preview all of the different kinds of Jeeps available and click on the Jeep Wrangler.
Select a model. On the models tab you can choose from the different types available including the X B package, X S package, the Sahara, or the Rubicon. After you make your selection click on the "Next" button.
Choose a color. Move your cursor over each listed color to preview it on the Jeep Wrangler pictured above. Select the exterior paint color, roof color, and interior cloth you prefer and click on "Next".
Pick from the available options. Under the options tab you can preview all of the options included with the Jeep Wrangler and add any extras you prefer such as an engine block heater, mp3 player compatibility, a GPS unit, and security options. Once you have made all of your choices select "Next".
Review the summary. On the summary page you can review all of the selections you have chosen. You can also preview the prices for each selection and change any preference to suit your needs.
Finance and Purchase your Jeep Wrangler. To complete your purchase, click on the "Find this Vehicle in Inventory" button on the right side of the Summary page. You will then be provided with a list of Jeep Wranglers that match your specifications available in your area. If you don't see what you're looking for, contact a Jeep dealer in your area and they will help you place your order. If you need financing options, click on the "Apply for Credit" button in the box on the right side of the page.