Ford Taurus Transmission Problems

Ford Taurus Transmission Problems

The Ford Motor Company has been producing the best-selling mid-size Ford Taurus sedan since 1986. It has a few, albeit minor, common transmission problems to consider or watch out for.

Transmission Clutch Piston

  • The failure of the transmission clutch piston--a component that works with the torque converter to achieve increased fuel efficiency--is the most common transmission problem with the Ford Taurus. It mostly affects the 1991 to 1995 Tauruses.

Manual Lever Position Sensor

  • There is also an occasional failure of the manual lever position (MLP) sensor, which assists in determining the transmission's gear position and shifting. This is most common in the 1996 Ford Taurus.


  • As of September 2010, it costs about $200 for parts and $715 for labor to repair the transmission clutch piston. The MLP sensor is far less expensive: about $30 for parts and $33 for labor.