How do I Buy a Used Car at Yokota Air Base?

How do I Buy a Used Car at Yokota Air Base?

Yokota Air Base is situated in the Japanese city Fussa, which is considered part of Western Tokyo. When first assigned to Yokota Air Base, military, Department of Defense (DoD) and contracted civilian personnel will be given a basic overview of life in Japan as part of the military or DoD presence, which includes housing and transportation options. Service members and others being assigned to Yokota Air Base will be given instruction in driving in Japan and when they have passed this instruction will have the option to purchase a vehicle.

Things You'll Need

  • Temporary transportation or a sponsor
  • Internet access
  • Money
  • Talk to a sponsor, typically assigned to incoming personnel. The sponsor can provide a list of approved used car dealerships in the area, as well as provide information for locations to purchase used cars on base. The sponsor may also know service members who are shipping out and looking to sell a car. During the initial in-processing of military personnel, the sponsor also helps bring the incoming soldier or airmen to the various orientations and information sessions.

  • Check the Base Lodging for outgoing personnel. The base lodging is often full of incoming and outgoing soldiers/airmen and other personnel. There is usually a bulletin board in the main lobby or dining facility where people will post items for sale, including used cars.

  • Conduct Internet searches for outgoing soldiers and DoD personnel looking to sell used cars. The Base Lodging will have Internet access, and the assigned sponsor will be able to help with that as well. There is also Internet access at the Base Library.

  • Visit used car dealerships in the area around the base. Misawa A-1 Used Cars, for example, caters to the U.S. military personnel coming into Japan at Yokota Air Base. The Misawa website includes information such as general price ranges for used cars ($1,000 to $6,500 U.S.). The website also includes general information, such as the fact trucks are hard to find but cars and SUVs relatively easy to get. Dealerships also will be able to provide inspection and other regulation information for owning a vehicle in Japan.