There is a profit to be made from wrecked and salvaged automobiles. Many people buy wrecked cars and trucks to repair and sell them. Others buy wrecked vehicles for parts and sell those. The market is wide open for individuals and businesses seeking wrecked autos. Internet auction sites devoted to the sale of wrecked and salvaged vehicles make purchasing one easy.
Decide which vehicle you would like to purchase. Many people who buy wrecked automobiles are looking for the most cost-effective way to get the vehicle of their dreams. Figure out the level of repair you are willing to make and the amount you are willing to spend.
Call a salvage dealer. Salvage yards and wrecked automobile brokers are listed in the phone book and online. Contact one or more dealers and tell them what you're looking for. If they don't have it in the condition you want, chances are they can locate it in another dealer's stock. Once they find the right vehicle for you, negotiate a purchase price.
Arrange delivery. Many wrecking yards will transport the vehicle to your address for a small fee. Most will assist you in loading your purchase onto your trailer, but check with them first.