Arizona Bill of Sale Form: How to Get One, Fill it Out, and the Required Information

If you plan to sell or buy a used car to or from an individual in the state of Arizona, you'll need to fill out an Arizona bill of sale to legally ensure the transaction is documented properly. An AZ bill of sale, like an auto bill of sale in any other part of the country, is a legal document that serves as proof that the transaction took place. It documents the two parties involved in the sale, the specific vehicle that was sold, the amount of money exchanged for it and the date of the sale. If you should ever need to present evidence you've bought or sold the car, the bill of sale is your primary means of doing so. Read on for a brief guide to obtaining one of these bills, filling it out and then maintaining it properly.

How to Get an Arizona Bill of Sale

There are a number of different ways you can obtain a bill of sale in the state of Arizona. The easiest is to check in with your local DMV. You'll need to pay a visit to the DMV branch office in your area if you want to get a hard copy of the blank bill of sale form. However, you can also access the Arizona state DMV website and download a printable copy of the bill of sale template from there.

Additionally, there are a variety of other Internet resources that can help you to come up with a bill of sale template, if you want to include your own information and write up your own bill of sale for the transaction.

How to Fill out a Bill of Sale

When you've obtained the blank copy of the bill of sale, it's important you get the other party involved in the sale before you complete the document. When the two of you are together, you'll both need to input your names, addresses and telephone numbers into the blank bill of sale form. Next, include information that will identify the car. This includes the make, model, manufacture year and VIN for the car (VIN stands for "vehicle identification number," and can be found underneath the windshield of the vehicle in most cases). You'll also need to include the odometer reading in the state of Arizona. Finally, include both the amount of money you agreed upon to exchange for the car and both of your signatures on the form as well. Date the signatures to make the form official.

What to Do with the Completed Form

Now that you've finished filling out the form, it's important you check in with the DMV to report the sale. Both of the parties should maintain a copy of the completed bill of sale for their records as well. If you have any questions, ask a representative at the local DMV branch office in your part of Arizona.

Related Questions and Answers

Does the Arizona Automobile Bill of Sale Form have any Differences from Other States?

There are templates of an automobile bill of Sale Form available on the Internet and some are generic, but the Arizona Automobile Bill of Sale Form is slightly different, and a hard copy should be obtained from the local DMV. The Arizona state DMV website contains a printable copy of the Automobile Bill of Sale Form. Apart from the usual sale information, it is necessary to have proof of the odometer reading in the state of Arizona, and information such as date, names, addresses and VIN (vehicle identification number) of the car. Check whether the Automobile Bill of Sale Form needs to be signed in front of a notary public.