Used car auctions are a great place to find great deals on used cars. Whether you are looking to sell a car or are looking for a great deal for yourself, a used car auction is the place to look first. There are many used car auctions all across the country; there's even likely to be one in your area.
Contact your local used car dealer and ask to speak to the person in charge of purchasing. They will know where the local used car auctions are, especially if they run a wholesale or discount lot. You may need to be a dealer or member of the group hosting the auction, so find out this information as well.
Look in an automotive trade magazine or newsletter. Used car auctions are advertised in advance and are often held on a regular basis, like the third Thursday of every month at the same auction lot. They also advertise in trade magazines and industry newsletters.
Get a dealer's license through your Secretary of State if you plan on purchasing for resale. This will give you membership benefits with local used car auctions and possible discounts on auction fees and deposits. You may also be entitled to shipping discounts, plus it will be easier with finances when tax time comes around and it's time to explain your income.
Check the classified section. There is a section of most classified labeled "Legal Notices" this is where home foreclosures, storage auctions, car auctions, estate sales, court information and other things are listed. If you look closely, you could find an incredible undiscovered place for great deals on used cars.
Attend an auction, like the New Jersey State Car Auction, to find great deals. You can also place reserved bids online to increase your bidding power at the auction. Another auction lot is Auction Direct USA that stages car auctions in three major regions of the country (NY, NC, FL/GA) and offers great deals to car dealers and sellers.