Buying a car represents more than a cash transfer. Legal ownership means obtaining title in your name, as the seller transfers the title to you, the buyer. The Michigan Secretary of State Title Application requires the driver's license number of the buyer.
A friend or family member can provide funds to purchase a car for an individual, but cannot have his name "on title" without a valid driver's license. Cars driven in Michigan must be titled, registered and plated, with one exception: You can purchase a car from an individual and drive it straight home without a license plate.
A car dealership handles sales paperwork, but individual sellers must write the current odometer reading on the title and sign his name. The vehicle identification number and mileage on the title must match the VIN and mileage on the automobile. If the title lists a bank, make sure the lender has signed it or certified that the loan's paid in full. Crossing out any name or information on the title invalidates it.
You must apply to a Michigan Secretary of State branch office for new title, registration and plates within 15 days of purchase. Ideally, both parties go together to ensure a legal transfer, but the buyer may go alone. Vehicle registration of requires identification, title and proof of Michigan no-fault insurance coverage, which requires a valid driver's license.