Top 3 Gauges to Add to a Car

Top 3 Gauges to Add to a Car

All cars have gauges; you're probably most familiar with the gas gauge and the speedometer on your car. The best additional gauges to have on any car are the tachometer, voltmeter and temperature gauges. These three gauges give you vital information on your car; without them, you couldn't safely move down the road.

The Tachometer

  • Your tachometer measures how fast your engine is turning; it tells you the RPMs, or revolutions per minute. If you have a manual shift transmission, the tachometer will let you know when to shift gears, thus helping you get the best fuel economy. In cars with automatic transmissions, the tachometer is one of the least used gauges, but it's still important because it lets you know when your engine is approaching the limit of its revolution and power range so you can keep the engine from being damaged.

The Voltmeter

  • Almost all of today's cars have voltmeters; they're the best indicator of the health of your engine's charging system. A mechanic will look at your voltmeter first to check your charging system, since the charging system provides the electrical current for your vehicle. A voltmeter is a must-have, since without it, your battery will soon be depleted without your knowledge, and your vehicle will shut down.

Temperature Gauges

  • Temperature gauges measure the temperature of your engine in degrees, letting you know when your engine is getting too hot. It's very important to monitor the temperature gauge to be sure that your engine is not overheating. Always keep a close eye on this gauge, and if you notice the needle moving into the hot zone, have your cooling system checked out as soon as possible.