How to Get a DOT Number in Nebraska

How to Get a DOT Number in Nebraska

Anyone in Nebraska who operates a commercial vehicle 10,000 pounds or heavier by law must display a United States Department of Transportation number (USDOT). This USDOT number, often referred to as the DOT number, alerts motorists that the commercial vehicle in use has been registered. The DOT number shows that the truck is legally trafficking goods or services within the United States. Obtaining a DOT number is a simple procedure that involves completing and submitting an application.

  • Get a DOT application form online. Visit to obtain a copy of the DOT application. Download the form, complete all sections and follow instructions for submitting it. If an electronic download is not feasible, pick up a form at a Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles office.

  • Fill out all sections of the DOT application. Include all information related to the vehicle, its size and its weight. Submit any required driver documents, proof of ownership and insurance coverage. Be prepared to answer questions about the purpose of the vehicle and its intended use.

  • Pay for the DOT registration number. Show proof of insurance for personal liability in addition to insurance on the vehicle itself. Follow the online directions for submitting payment or pay in person at a Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles office.

  • Receive the DOT number electronically or through the mail. Do not use the vehicle for trafficking goods until the DOT number has been issued. According to the DOT Number Registration website, if your company is a new entrant in the system, you'll also get an information packet explaining your status as a new company. Post the DOT number on your vehicle.