After you purchase or lease a new or used vehicle in Pennsylvania, you will need to register the vehicle and obtain a license plate from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, also known as PennDOT. If you aren't able to obtain the tags right away, temporary tags are available.
Obtain a new title or have the title for the vehicle transferred from the seller. Apply to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles for your title and registration. This can be done through a tag service, notary or a PennDOT agent. Costs include a minimum of $22.50 for the title and $36 for registration and tags.
Get general liability or full coverage car insurance from a valid insurance company.
Complete registration to get your license plate. Once registered, you will receive your registration sticker and new plate or you can have your old plate transferred from another vehicle. If needed, you can get a temporary registration and plate from an authorized car dealer, or a tag and title service.
Get the vehicle inspected within 10 days and receive your inspection stickers upon passing the inspection.