When you purchase a car and get the title, to be able to register it you will need to make sure that the car title is properly filled out. If you buy a new car, the car dealer or your bank will handle all the title and registration paperwork. If you are buying a used car from an individual, however, you will need to fill in the proper information on the car title along with the buyer, to properly complete the purchase of the car.
Write the sellers name and address on the designated area of the title.
Write the purchase price and the purchase date on the car title in the price and date sections of the title.
Write down the exact odometer reading on the car in the odometer/miles section of the car title.
Sign your name and address on the car title in the buyer section of the car title. Put the date of the purchase beside your name. Read over the car title and make sure that all of the necessary areas have been properly filled out.
Get a bill of sale for the purchase price to go along with the car title. Make sure that the seller puts the VIN number on the bill of sale. Read over the bill of sale and make sure that all of the necessary areas have been filled out properly.
Take your car title and the bill of sale for the car purchase to your county tax collector's office. Fill out the new title application and pay the new title fee and the tax collector's office will process your new title information. You should receive the new title in the mail within four to six weeks.