What Is All-Wheel Drive?

What Is All-Wheel Drive?

All-wheel drive (AWD) is a hot-ticket item in today's auto market, and is offered as an option on many cars. The system also commands a healthy premium over other drives, and for good reason.


  • The first production-car AWD systems were offered by German automaker Jensen in 1966, followed by Subaru, American Motors and Jeep in 1973.


  • AWD systems are intended to give a car the all-terrain flexibility of four wheel drive(4WD), the directional stability of front wheel drive(FWD), and the precision control of rear wheel drive (RWD).


  • An AWd system can start out as either FWD or RWD, but in either case uses a center differential similar to those found in the axles to allow the front and rear wheels to turn at different speeds.


  • Whereas FWD cars tend to plow on in whatever direction they're already going (understeer), and RWD cars tend to spin when turned hard (oversteer), a properly designed AWD system will always send the vehicle in whatever direction the steering wheel is pointed.

Power Split

  • Some performance AWD cars like the Subaru WRX are designed to act like RWD car until the rear tires begin to slip, but most default to a FWD mode.