A Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) can give you a wealth of information about your classic car if you are familiar with manufacturer names and model numbers. For example, a VIN beginning with YM23J63 indicates that your car is a 1966 Chrysler Imperial Crown, LeBaron, medium class, two-door hardtop with a B8 engine. The VIN can also be used to track your car's history: a check of the car's VIN on a national database will tell you if your car has been stolen or reported as totaled.
Navigate to the National Insurance Crime Bureau's (NICB's) VINCheck web page (see Resources).
Type the old car's VIN into the "Enter VIN" text box.
Click the box next to "You must check here to acknowledge your understanding and acceptance of the terms and conditions of use."
Type the verification code shown into the text box, then click "Search" to receive a report on your vehicle.