Carfax is a helpful database of vehicle history reports for consumers. However, it is not 100 perfect. At times, you may find mistakes on Carfax. When there is a mistake on Carfax regarding your vehicle, you'll want to have the information removed. Negative information could hurt your chances of trading in or selling the vehicle if the dealer or buyer runs a history report. You'll be unable to remove information from Carfax that is correct. For example, if your car has been wrecked, you'll be unable to remove the accident from the history report.
Access the vehicle's Carfax report online and examine the report closely. Locate the incorrect item on the report you would like to remove. Note the date of the item, as well as the ID number, if listed.
Gather any evidence to support your claim that the item is incorrect and should be removed. For example, if the Carfax report shows the vehicle to have a salvage title, but it doesn't, you could make a copy of the car's title or get a letter from the lien holder confirming that the title is not salvage.
Visit the Carfax corrections claim center online. Click on "Current vehicle owners can submit data correction requests here."
Input your name, address, city, state, telephone number, email address, and vehicle VIN (Vehicle Identification Number). The VIN is the number you used to pull the Carfax report. It's found between the windshield and the hood on the driver's side of the vehicle.
Input the date of the item in question and its description (salvage title, accident, etc.). Type your explanation in the next box. Explain why the information is incorrect and why it should be removed.
List the proof you have that the information is correct. There is no way to upload it here; Carfax simply wants to know what proof you have. Carfax personnel may request a copy after they contact you.
Type the "Captcha" puzzle and click "Submit" to submit your request. Carfax will review the request and contact you by phone or email. You may need to email, fax, or mail proof that the information is incorrect to have it removed. The representative will help you through the process.