How to Lookup a VIN Number

How to Lookup a VIN Number

A vehicle identification number (VIN) is a unique number assigned to every mass-produced auto manufactured in the world. The first three characters of a VIN, in fact, are the country and manufacturer code. With a VIN and access to the right database, an individual is able to gain information about a car. Some databases are simply VIN keys that explain what each letter or number in the ID string represents. You can determine what engine a vehicle has, or what rear end, or where it was built or what day. Other databases allow you to determine an auto's history, including who has owned it, had liens against it or wrecked it. Looking up a car's VIN may seem difficult at first but it's a simple procedure. With its VIN in hand, you can uncover the facts about any automobile.

Things You'll Need

  • Vehicle with VIN
  • Pen and paper
  • VIN checking website
  • Look for the VIN on the vehicle in question. In most cases the VIN will be located at the lower left corner of the vehicle's windshield, on a small tin plate riveted to the dashboard. Write down the VIN so you can use it during the lookup process.

  • Visit a VIN checking website. A VIN checking website will allow you to type in the VIN number in the space provided. Click "Search" or "Start VIN Check" to begin the lookup process. The website will begin to look up the VIN number and display information about the vehicle. Many VIN checking websites require a fee before displaying specific information.

  • View the vehicle report that comes onscreen after the search. You have the option of viewing the report based on different categories. You can view the owner history of the vehicle, the title history or the overall history of the vehicle. The vehicle report will show where the vehicle has been, when and where it has been repaired, and who owned the vehicle.