In order to obtain a Carfax report for a vehicle, you must pay a fee of $34.99. Once the fee has been paid, you will have access to the report for 14 days. During that 14-day period, you can save the information from the Carfax report for future reference. This will allow you to place the report in a current or future advertisement to show a potential buyer the history of the vehicle. This can help the buyer determine whether or not she wants to purchase your automobile.
Obtain a Carfax report by visiting the Carfax website. In order to obtain the report, you must have the VIN (vehicle identification number) and a valid credit card to cover the fee for the report. Once you have purchased the Carfax report, you will receive an email that contains a link. Click on the email link to view the report.
Capture the screen for each page of the Carfax report. If you are using Windows, you can do this by pressing the function key, "FN," + the print screen key, "Prt Sc," simultaneously. If you are a Mac user, you can capture the screen by pressing "Apple" + "Shift" + "4" simultaneously. For Mac, the screen capture will automatically be placed as a .jpeg image on the desktop of your Mac.
Open an image editing program on your computer, such as MS Paint. Select "Edit" from the Menu Bar. Click "Paste." The capture will then be pasted into the program. Click "File" and "Save As" to save the capture as a .jpeg image.
Open the online portal that will allow you to make edits to your ad.
Select the "Upload" option to upload the image. Depending upon the portal you are using, the wording may say read "attachment" instead of "image."
Browse through the image files on your computer to select the images for the Carfax report. You will likely have to upload each image file separately.
Save and publish the changes to your ad.