With a keyless entry on your car, you can unlock your car door while you are up to 2500 feet away from your car. If your car comes with a remote transmitter and alarm like the Commando 2-way LCD remote or the Scytek RS5000, you can control your car's alarm and start the engine using the same system. But first you need to find out if your car is equipped with keyless entry.
Look through the online database provided by Kelly Blue Book (see Resources). Click "New" or "Used" cars at the top of the screen. Type in your vehicle's make and model. Select "Specifications" and then "Features" to see if your car comes with keyless entry. If the Kelly Blue Book list syour car as having a keyless port installed, your car is equipped with the remote entry.
Telephone the dealer that you purchased your car from. Give him your name and the make and model of your vehicle. Most dealers maintain a database of current customers as well as the specifications that each car is loaded with.
Find the Regular Production Option (RPO) sticker on your car. The RPO sticker is located in a different area depending on the car's make and model. Typically the sticker is located on the driver side dashboard, inside the glove box, beneath the spare tire cover or under the trunk hood. Look across the sticker for the RPO code for keyless entry. The code starts with AU0.