States differ in the exact process required for title replacement, but going to your state motor vehicle's office with proper identification and vehicle information will allow you to replace your title once you fill out the correct forms. Expect to pay a small fee, although states that do not offer an instant title do charge more for a "rush" title, meaning that you may be able to receive it within several days if you pay more.
Have your driver's license and your vehicle's registration handy. If you cannot find your registration, find an insurance card that lists the vehicle identification number (VIN).
Go to your motor vehicle office. Division names may vary by state, such as license office or department of motor vehicles. If you are unsure of where to go, use your state's motor vehicle website to locate the correct and nearest office (see Resource).
Tell a motor vehicle representative you want to replace your title. The representative will tell you which forms you need to fill out, if any. Fill out the forms to replace your title.
Ask how long you can expect to wait for your title if your state does not offer it instantly. Find out if you can order a rushed title for a higher fee, if necessary. Pay for your title, and receive it immediately or wait for it to arrive by mail.