How to Build Your Own Motorcycle Carrier

How to Build Your Own Motorcycle Carrier

Build your own motorcycle carrier so that you can transport your motorcycle from the back of a vehicle. There are safety procedures for towing a motorcycle carrier. First and foremost, make sure the placement of the motorcycle in the carrier does not cover the headlights, signal lights, taillights or stoplights of the vehicle towing it.

Things You'll Need

  • Swing arm (4-foot metal bar)
  • Carrier frame
  • Welding and solder equipment
  • Wrench
  • Hammer
  • Hacksaw
  • Bungee cord
  • U-shape industrial style lock
  • Five Velcro 3-foot in size straps
  • Place the main frame of the carrier to the vehicle bumper. The carrier has two main parts: the swing arm and the frame.

  • Affix the rack on the back of the car where the hook end of the rack curves out and upward, the hook supports the motorcycle. (It helps to have another person hold the rack while you affix it.)

  • Measure the distance from your bumper to your motorcycle. Use the measurement to determine how far the motorcycle is, while on the carrier, from the car. Add 12 inches to your measurements and use the hacksaw to cut a piece of metal tubing to the exact length.

  • Measure a second piece of tubing 3 1/2 feet long and cut it with the hacksaw. Weld the two metal pieces at a 90-degree angle in the shape of an "L."

  • Weld a 14-inch piece of tubing onto the top of the L so the bottom of the L goes into the hitch. It fits into the hitch parallel to your vehicles bumper.

  • Weld two 4-inch rods onto the ends of the mounting brace. The motorbike is hung here.

  • Insert the metal end of the straps in the space between the body of your motorcycle and the rear of your trunk. Leave the straps loose, so that you can make adjustments to the placement of the motorcycle. (Later on you will tighten the straps to secure the motorcycle to the rack.)

  • Pull the bottom left strap straight down into the space between the bumper and the bottom of the trunk, and then insert the metal end of the strap.

  • Position the motorcycle rack in the center of your carrier is important, and for that, you need to adjust your rack properly.

  • Grasp the loose end of the straps and pull them tight. Brace your hands against the buckles and pull them tight.

  • Load the carrier in the following manner. Insert the bars through the crossbars of your motorcycle. Insert foam blocks or pool noodles between the motorcycle and the crossbars to prevent or minimize scraping.

  • Tighten and adjust the straps completely now that the motorcycle is loaded.

  • Use a U-shaped lock to secure your motorcycle. You can also thread a bungee cord through the motorcycle to connect the hooks at the end for securing the vehicle.