How to Buy a Honda Extended Warranty

How to Buy a Honda Extended Warranty

Honda vehicles are very popular. Not only do they offer a high number of miles per gallon, but most Honda vehicles have a slick, modern design that attract a large range of buyers. To protect your Honda vehicle now and in the future, an extended warranty is usually the best option. Warranties ensure any damage to your vehicle or vehicle malfunction is paid for by Honda or by the car dealership during the span of the warranty.

  • Decide if you want to purchase your extended warranty through Honda's website or through the dealership through which you are purchasing the vehicle. Depending on the type of Honda you're buying, there will be advantages and disadvantages to each. For example, at a dealership, you can ask a salesman questions in person.

  • Visit Honda's official website if you want to purchase your extended warranty through Honda. On the website, you can find information about extended warranties and the difference between a limited and an extended warranty. You can also get the contact information for a Honda representative who can help you purchase the warranty.

  • Visit the dealership where you purchased your Honda vehicle or where you plan to purchase your Honda vehicle. If you already have a Honda, you may be upgrading to an extended warranty from a limited warranty. If you're purchasing a new Honda, you can purchase an extended warranty in addition to a limited warranty.

  • Talk to a salesman at the dealership about your warranty options. Different dealerships may have different policies about what is included in an extended warranty for a Honda. For example, you may be able to get a warranty that covers all of the accessories in your Honda vehicle for up 50,000 miles. Some warranties also offer roadside services and a rental car if your vehicle is damaged.