Auto leasing has become a popular alternative to purchasing in recent years. When your lease term ends, it's time to return the vehicle, if you don't plan on purchasing it. Each manufacturer has different procedures for lease turn-ins; Chrysler requires the vehicle be turned in at a Chrysler dealership (or else you'll be charged for transportation). They also recommend inspecting various components of the vehicle prior to returning the vehicle.
Contact the Chrysler dealer where you intend to return the leased vehicle. Any Chrysler dealer is okay--it doesn't have to be the original selling dealer. Ask to speak to the person who handles lease turn-ins--and write down his or her name. Let the person know when you will arrive (and make sure you have directions to the dealership).
Ideally, contact with the dealership should be made a couple of weeks prior to the lease turn-in date.
Review the financial terms of your lease (found on your leasing contract). Chrysler leases usually have an end-of-lease fee that you'll be required to pay when you turn in the vehicle.
Review the mileage limitations included in the contract. The contract lists the maximum acceptable mileage on your turn-in date. If the mileage on your Chrysler is over this, you'll be required to pay for the excessive mileage on the date you turn in the vehicle. If you cannot afford the overage fee, contact Chrysler financial immediately--they may be able to work out an arrangement with you.
The mileage overage fee varies from contract to contract. Read the fine print on your lease contract to determine the per-mile charge, and multiply it by the number of miles you are over the limit.
Inspect the interior of the vehicle. Look for missing components (such as panels, switches and knobs) and cuts, tears and burns. All of these items are chargeable. The exact amount of the charge will vary depending on the severity--however, noticing the defect ahead of time will allow you to prepare for the expense.
Minor interior defects such as stains and scuffs are not chargeable.
Inspect the vehicle's exterior. Use the "credit card test" to determine if you'll owe money for scratches, scuffs and dents. Place a credit card (or a similarly sized object) over the defect; if the credit card completely covers it, you will not be charged (maximum of five defects per body panel).
Inspect the tires and rims. If the tires are severely worn (wire showing), you will be charged for replacement tires. If they are mismatched (multiple brands or tire sizes), you will be charged. If the wheels are scuffed, bent or otherwise damaged, you will be charged.
Inspect the windshield for defects. You will not be charged for minor scratches or chips. You will be charged for cracks and holes, however, regardless of their size.
Remove your personal items from the vehicle before bringing it to the dealership to turn it in. Double-check the glove box, interior storage compartments, CD player (for discs) and trunk.
Bring the vehicle to the dealer. Sign the end-of-lease paperwork and pay the necessary fee(s). Arrange for someone to pick you up.