The APR, or annual percentage rate, on a car loan determines the interest rate you will pay for one year, as opposed to monthly rates. Knowing the annual rate makes it easier to shop around for a better deal among various lenders, but understanding exactly how your personal rate is calculated can be a bit more complicated.
At the time of publication, the average APR for car loans is around 4.38 percent for a 60-month lease and 5.2 percent for a 36-month lease, according to Bankrate, but you will most likely receive a different offer -- better or worse -- depending on your monthly income, credit history, who your lender is, brand of car and many other variables. This percentage rate is quite low compared to recent history; in 2010, you would have paid almost double, and if you go 20 years further back, you might have paid nearly triple.
Once you know the interest rate you will have to pay, you can use one of the many car loan calculators available online to get a basic idea of the costs and ensure that you don't go over budget. From this information, you can see that a $10,000 car, using the average APR of 4 percent over a 36-month loan, will cost you about $630 per month. You will also see that the amount you are paying in interest goes down over time, while the amount of principal you are paying each month goes up, but the actual monthly payment stays the same.
When you are trying to obtain the best interest rate, remember that the most important factor is your credit history, so that is the first thing to work on before applying for a loan.