If you are interested in getting a new Ford vehicle but do not want to get a car loan or commit to the vehicle for a long period, you can lease it instead. When you lease a vehicle you have a monthly payment just like with an auto loan; however, lease payments are typically a bit smaller. Usually a down payment is also required in order to lease a Ford vehicle or any other vehicle. Leasing a Ford vehicle is similar to leasing any other vehicle.
Save up between $1,000 and $2,000 for your lease down payment. According to Financial Web, this is the typical range for required down payments. The actual down payment required will vary depending on which Ford vehicle you want to lease.
Find out what your credit score is. You will need to have good credit to qualify for a lease. You can check the credit score on the My FICO website. As of November 2010, the price is $15.95. Ford does not give an exact credit score that you need to qualify, but good credit is typically anything above 700.
Visit your local Ford dealer to select your Ford vehicle and find out about any leasing specials.
Discuss lease terms with the dealer. Some of the terms to negotiate include the length of the lease and the number of annual miles included with the lease.
Submit your application to lease the vehicle at your local Ford dealer. In order to lease a Ford vehicle, you must use in-house financing through Ford Credit.
Review the lease agreement to make sure that everything is correct before signing it.