When you originally leased your auto, you signed a contract that most likely stated that you would pay for damages to the vehicle if they were not fixed before you returned it. Repair damages, in addition to other lease-end charges, may prove significant.
Because you are required to carry insurance policy coverage for your leased car, you should have the damage repaired. Check with your insurance company, as some do not increase your rate when repairs remain under a certain dollar amount.
Some leasing companies require that you have a pre-inspection completed 30 to 45 days before you return your vehicle. Expect to pay for any damages and excessive wear-and-tear fees at the time of return. Other leasing companies allow you to turn in your lease, but then expect the payment for repairs within 30 days after the inspection.
When you originally leased your car, the future market resale value, after the term of your lease, was determined. Without fixing the car, you are decreasing the value.