Car leasing is a popular financing option for many people because the monthly cost of a car lease is much lower than if the car were purchased. Auto leases are negotiated up front and are effective for a set period of time. When the driver signs the lease contract, they are legally required to pay all fees through the end of the lease term. The easiest way to get out of an auto lease is to renegotiate the contract and transfer the lease to another person.
Call up the company that hold your lease and ask if they will allow a lease transfer. Many companies allow it, but some do not.
Locate someone who is willing to take over the car lease for you at the specified terms. You can ask friends and family, or post an ad in the newspaper or online. There are also several websites, like the one in the Resources section, that assist with finding someone to take over a lease.
Notify the company that holds the lease that you have found someone to whom you can transfer the lease. The new person will have to submit an application with the lease company and must meet the company's qualifications regarding credit scores and other financial terms.
Pay any outstanding fees to the lease company. Transferring a lease sometimes requires an application fee that varies by company. In addition, you will be required to pay costs associated with damage you have caused to a vehicle such as dents, scratches or interior upholstery damage.
Turn the car and all sets of keys into the lease company.