When you enter into a vehicle lease, you agree to make regular payments on a car for a limited period of time, usually 24 to 48 months. After that period of time expires, you return the vehicle to the dealership. Once you sign a lease agreement, you are responsible for payments for the full lease period. Unfortunately, circumstances may arise over the course of your Chevy lease that make the lease impossible to keep. Should this occur, you may have options for getting out of your lease early.
Read over your original lease contract to see if the contract contains a provision that will allow you to break your lease for a fee. If it does, you can contact the Chevy dealership where you first applied for the lease, pay the fee and get out of your lease.
Pay off the lease. This may be your best option if you do not have much time left on your lease. To pay off the lease, you must add up the remaining payments left on the lease and pay them to the dealership in one lump sum. Once your lease agreement is paid, you will no longer be bound by the terms of your contract and may return the vehicle.
Transfer the lease. If you need to get out of a Chevy lease early, you may transfer the lease to another qualified individual. The individual would need to pass a credit check conducted by your dealership and fill out paperwork stating that he agrees to take on the remaining lease payments and responsibility for the vehicle. A lease transfer fee may also apply.
Buy the car. If you opt to buy the vehicle, your dealership will give you a "buy-out" price. This price will include the remaining lease payments that you owe. If you can secure financing for the vehicle, you can finance your remaining lease payments into the total purchase price of the car. Once you have purchased the car, you will no longer be trapped within a lease--and are likely to find yourself with much lower monthly payments.