Car loan affiliate programs are a great way to make some additional money using a website or blog. Many people accept dealer financing or shop big banks because they aren't aware of the competitive online rates that can be found for car loans. Bank of America, Capital One and Chase can offer great rates, but it may be difficult to get auto loan financing if you've got less than perfect credit. Offer your website visitors or blog readers alternatives with some of the top converting car loan affiliate programs.
Not only is CarsDirect a great resource to use when shopping for a new car, but they have a fantastic affiliate program as well. This website gives you the opportunity to search locally by zip code, make, model and price range to find the vehicle of your dreams. Listings are updated daily and the website offers numerous resources to help you along with the car-buying process. The affiliate program pays out for 4 different types of leads. Direct sales leads will pay you $15, one of the highest payouts in the industry. You'll also receive payments for dealer request leads and finance leads for car loans. Information on CarsDirect's affiliate program can be found on the Affiliate Program page on their website.
Auto Credit Express offers a free car loan affiliate program that you can use to offer your customers access to the tools available on their site. You'll have the opportunity to direct your viewers straight to the application page that contains your logo for ease in transition. Get real-time reporting and customized applications to replicate the look and feel of your existing website. Check the Auto Loan Affiliate Program page for more details. offers 4 unique URLs leading to each of their high-converting programs for such leads as guaranteed credit score, bankruptcy and special finance. You'll be provided with customized banner ads and links, and you'll earn $9 per retail lead and $5 per wholesale lead. More information on this program is available at