Getting a Car Loan With No Credit is Easier Than You Think
If you lack a solid credit history, you can still get an auto loan. A
no credit car loan may be available from a lender. You just to have to do the necessary research and make sure you are working with a financial institution that has experience in handling a no credit car loan.
See if you qualify for a no credit car loan >>
If you are considering a no credit car loan, there are some preliminary steps you can take to make yourself a better candidate:
Establish a Checking and Savings Account - Lenders like to see that you are responsible and haven't overdrawn your account.
Apply for a Credit Card - You can use and pay off a credit card to build up some credit history. Gas and department store cards are generally easier to get. As a last resort, you can get a secured credit card, which requires a deposit. It's important to make sure that the card issuer reports to a credit bureau. Otherwise, building up a history would not be that advantageous.
Maintain a Steady Background - Lenders usually award applicants with a steady employment and residence history. Having a utility and phone number in your name can also be quite helpful.
CarsDirect No Credit Car Loan Services
CarsDirect can help you with your no credit car loan needs. In fact, we help more consumers get a no credit car loan than any other website in the country. We work with a network of dealers who specialize in this area of financing. The dealer has access to a number of financial institutions and will shop around to find you the best deal on a no credit car loan.
Simply fill out a quick and easy application, and you'll be on your way to getting your new car! The service is free and absolutely no obligation is required.