Bad credit car loans are more popular than many realize. Many people are surprised to find out that they have a less than desirable credit score, and more are surprised to find that they are actually considered a "subprime borrower." Most people fail to fully understand what this means, how this affects their loan possibilities, and how to get out of it. Knowing as much as possible about bad credit car loans will help you to understand what you qualify for, and what you should look for.
Your credit score completely determines how bad your situation is. Bad credit car loans are for people who have a low credit score that keeps them from usual car loans. Credit scores can be affected by amount of loans, amount of credit cards, amount of debts and payment history.
Bad Credit? We can Help! Apply now.A subprime borrower is someone who has a low credit score. These low credit scores will cause regular lenders to deny credit. They see subprime borrowers as too risky, and feel as though they will not be able to pay back the loan. These banks are going to weigh the risks and rewards of giving someone a loan. They are not going to give out bad credit car loans because they feel as though they will cost them more than they will make.
So how bad is bad when considering bad credit car loans? Each bank and each lender will have a different threshold. There is a specific "magic number" for each company when looking at a credit score. If your score is lower than this number, you are considered a subprime borrower and will not be able to get a normal loan. For most banks, this is a credit score of 620. If you are above this number, you are generally fine.
There are options for those who are considered subprime borrowers. These come in the form of bad credit car loans. There are companies and lenders who exist solely for giving out bad credit car loans. These loans often have higher down payments, higher monthly payments and quicker payment time lines. These loans are aimed to help those who have the money, but do not have the credit.
If you need a bad credit car loan, there are a few things that you can do. Some choose to go ahead and apply for bad credit car loans; the ability to pay them back will look good on any credit report. Others choose to wait for their new car. If you have the ability to wait, you can work on improving your credit score. Once your credit score is satisfactory, you can get the lower interest rate that you need to afford a car loan.