Someone with bad credit shouldn't cosign a car loan. There are very rare cases where you may be able to cosign the loan, however 99times out of 100 you will not be able to cosign a car loan with bad credit. Cosigners are usually needed for people with bad credit. Bad credit often times is why people cannot get loans in the first place. They then get someone they trust with good credit to cosign the loan for them. The cosigner is actually responsible for the loan in case the primary person defaults, or doesn't pay, the loan off. There is really no benefit for the cosigner because all the risk is on them, and no risk really on the primary person. The only people you may find to cosign a loan are those that you trust and are close with, often a family member. That cosigner must have good credit because their credit gets run to make sure that they are in good standing. Only if they are deemed acceptable can someone with bad credit get their loan. The process is not reversible. You cannot switch the process around and have the person with bad credit try and cosign the loan. When the lender goes to run the credit and sees a poor score, you might as well walk out the door. Bad credit signifies that they cannot even pay off their own debts. Thinking that they will pay for someone else's debts if they default is absurd.