The Best New Car Financing Deals
New car financing deals are offered by dealerships and automobile manufacturers. If you plan to purchase a new vehicle and don't have the savings to cover the total purchase price, you need an auto loan. Before you decide which car to purchase you have to evaluate your financial capability. There are several things you could do to stay in the know on deals.
- Join a mailing list. Sign up with local dealers or online dealerships to obtain the latest news on auto finances deals, low interest rates, rebates and holdbacks. Quotes change throughout the year and if you plan in advance, you can find out which lender or dealer is offering you the lowest rate of interest.
- Another source of information on new car deals by make is the U.S. News Rankings and Reviews. They provide detailed information on car rankings, auto finance deals and price quotes from local dealers.
- offers an email newsletter signup to obtain information on new car incentives, price drops and rebates. This website also provides auto loan advice, news on auto loan rates and reviews on new cars.
- You may also choose to sign up for RSS feeds from the Kelley Blue Book website and obtain the latest information on auto finance deals.
- The NADA Guides RSS feeds also offer information on car reviews and deals.
Once you're registered with these websites you will not only have information about current deals but you can also anticipate future trends in car prices or interest values on loans. In addition, you get access to information on holdbacks and dealer discounts which help you negotiate a good price.