Before buying a new or used car, take the time to shop for the best car finance deals available. Depending on your credit history, your income and several other factors, the rates and terms of car loans available to you will vary widely. Do as much research and comparison shopping as it takes to get an interest rate and loan terms you are happy with.
Loan Comparison Search Sites
One way to quickly find the best deals on car loans is to visit websites like Bankrate. Bankrate allows you to quickly choose between different lenders that provide auto loans in your area. To begin your search you simply enter your zip code, and the website displays a list of auto loan lenders that provide loans in your area. The site shows you their current interest rates, fees and requirements associated with that loan. Keep in mind, however, that the loan rates displayed on this site are generally for people with good or excellent credit scores.
Auto Loans for Bad Credit
If you have had some past credit problems, or have fallen behind on payments or obligations at some point, you might want to consider sites like InstantCarLoan. InstantCarLoan works with multiple lenders that specialize in helping people with credit problems. Simply fill out the quick application form on the front page of their website. Then, InstantCarLoan will contact you, generally within an hour, and tell you how to proceed and the different ways they have of helping you get the car loan you need and deserve.
Auto Loan Tips