With a deferred car loan, you have a grace period when you don't need to make car payments. You might need this because of unemployment or other harsh financial straits. Asking for a deferred car loan is much better for your credit rating than defaulting on your payments.
Not everyone qualifies for a deferred car loan. It's written into some agreements, but not all. Before asking, you should be aware that if it's granted you'll still need to make all the payments in full, just at a later date. You'll need to prove your hardship in order to qualify.
You loan officer should have a deferred car loan calculator and can inform you when the payments will be due, and whether any extra money will be involved for the service. He will establish a new schedule of payments for you, after seeing just how long you can defer the payments under what's known as a forbearance agreement.
You can have deferred payments on a new car as well as payments deferred on used cars. You'll need to come to an agreement with the loan company as to the deferred payments not having a negative impact on your credit rating.
If the lender has already charged you fees for late payments, ask if these can be removed. Make sure that whatever the loan company promises with regard to deferred car payments is put in writing. You should hold off on signing any agreement until you're satisfied with everything put before you and understand it fully.