Car title loans are becoming popular ways to generate fast cash. They are being used more and more since there are some real benefits to them. However, with any loan there are some risks. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of car title loans.
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The biggest benefit to getting a car title loan is that it enables the borrower to get the money they need extremely quickly. Car title loans are usually processed within a day or two. This is because it is a simple process, that really only involves the lender looking at your car to make sure it is worth at least the amount you need to borrow.
Anyone with a car can get a car title loan. This is because there is no credit check or background checks involved. The lender is giving you a secured loan, which means that the loan is based on a piece of collateral that you are putting up. An unsecured loan is when there is nothing involved, but they are giving you money based on the assumption you can pay it back plus interest. There is virtually no risk for the lender, so they have high approval rates with car title loans. Car title loans are perfect if you have bad credit. A bank likely won't give you the ten grand you need for your debt or bills, but if you have a car, the title loan will get you what you need.
Another added benefit is that while you have the loan out, you get to keep the car and still drive it. You will give your title and a pair of keys to the lender, but you are still able to drive. So there is no change in your life and you get your money.
Car title loans are for very short periods of time, usually a month at the most. At first the interest rate is low, but every month you need extended, the interest rates rise to high levels. When you are borrowing a high amount, it may be tough to pay it back in the short period of time. This could mean you are going to be paying much more than expected.
As with any secured loan, the risk of losing the asset you put up as collateral is there. If you default on the loan, the lender has the right to take control of your car. They will then sell it to make their money. But if the sale is less than what you owe, you may be on the hook for the difference. And to make things worse, if they sell it and make more than your debt, they keep that as well.
The attractiveness of the quick cash can make you make a hasty decision. There are real risks involved for the borrower, and you could lose your car. Make sure you know the risks involved before putting your means of transportation up as collateral.
Overall, car title loans are great ways to get fast money. There are risks involved though as you can lose your car. As long as you know you can pay them back, they are a good way to get money since there are no credit checks involved.
Car title loans are being used by predatory lenders to take advantage of unsuspecting consumers. If you are considering becoming a recipient of one of the many car title loans being issued, you should seriously re-evaluate your decision. There are a substantial number of people who have defaulted on their car title loans and lost their vehicles because of the unreasonable borrowing terms.
A car title loan uses a paid-off automobile as collateral. Typically, a car title loan payment is due within a month, carries a triple-digit annual interest rate, and often is for an amount that is far less than the value of the vehicle. Credit advocates argue that car title loan lenders unfairly target lower-income individuals who can't afford the steep terms. National legislation to protect consumers against these lenders seems unlikely. Some states do have car title loan laws in protect consumers.
If you are in need of emergency cash, there are much smarter options to a car title loan. These options include small consumer loans, cash advances on credit cards, and advances from employers.
CarsDirect Finance Services: An Alternative to Car Title Loans
If you're seeking car title loans to pay for a car, you may consider getting a loan through CarsDirect. We help more credit-challenged consumers than other website in the country. We work with a network of dealers who specialize in this area of financing. The dealer has access to a number of financial institutions and will shop around to find you the best deal. Simply fill out a quick and easy application, and you'll be on your way to getting your new car and avoiding having to deal with car title loans. The service is free and absolutely no obligation is required.
The best car title loan companies are those that offer quick cash, low rates and most importantly a high percentage approval rate. Car title loans are normally for those who not only need money fast, but also those with poor credit. Since there are no credit checks, anyone can get an auto title loan, as long as they have a car. There are a few companies who are the best with these types of loans that you should highly consider.
From extensive research, the worst title loan company to deal with appears to be Wilshire Consumer Credit, working on behalf of EZ loan Lookup. Multiple reviewers mentioned that research and documentation took more than five days, paperwork was lost and the customer was contacted multiple times per day by more than one person. Different requests for duplicate documentation accompanied each customer contact.
Title loans on your car's title can be a blessing or a curse, depending on what company you deal with. Make sure that before you sign any contracts, you thoroughly research the companies you contact. Demand a single point of contact with your title loan company.
Car title loans are much different than the typical loans you may have received in the past. These loans are secured, meaning they are backed by some sort of collateral. In this case, that collateral is your car, and it is all you really need in order to get this type of loan. Your credit score has no effect on an auto title loan because it is never checked during the process. There is no need to, because if you default on this loan, the lender can do one of two things. They will either raise your interest rates in order to get even more money, or they will actually repossess your car.
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The second item is the biggest risk in a payday loan. These loans are typically short term (a month or two) and because of that, you need to make sure that you can pay off a substantial loan in such a short amount of time. You will also have to pay a high interest rate, typically about 20%, which is not an APR figure, but a monthly figure. The interest rates are very high, and will add up if you do not pay on time. You should make sure you will have the available finances in the short term to cover this type of loan, so set up a budget schedule of some sort. These loans can get you fast money, but be aware that if you slip up just a tiny bit, it can result in the loss of your car.
Different kinds of "auto loan no credit" agreements are notorious for boosting up interest rates and leaving borrowers awash in an ocean of debt. Here are some prime tips for holding your own when you go to one of these companies to finance a vehicle.
Getting a car loan with bad credit involves some knowledge of the industry, and more than a little toughness. However, by shopping around and using the resources at your disposal, you may be able to avoid getting taken advantage of with high interest loans.
Different sites have different applications. However, the overall process and information wanted is related. Your personal information needs to be inputted. Your vehicle information like the make, model, color, VIN, mileage and your insurance information is needed. The insurance information is extra important because with an auto title loan, the lender may require you to purchase or add more insurance to your vehicle because they may feel you do not have enough. That is a perfectly reasonable request since they have control of the title while the loan is in process.
Submitting the form must be done. Then the title must be provided. The title of your car must be clear (not salvage). Also, there must be no liens on your car. Your car must be paid off in order to take out an auto title loan. Once this is done, all you have to do is wait. Depending if the website also has a physical location, you will get an email or a call with how to proceed next. The deal may be done all online, or you may have to go in to their office to drop off the title and keys.
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The process can be done in under an hour. This is because there are no credit checks involved. Since it is a secured loan and your car is collateral, there is really no risk for the lender. Worst case scenario they sell your car to recoup the money, Some lenders may prefer this since chances are the loan is at most around 50% of your car's true value. Any money in the sale that they get on top of your debt owed is also theirs to keep. You can request anywhere from $100 to $5000 or more dollars in the matter of minutes. Online sites boast of high percentage approval rates. Be sure that you know the risks involved since they are real. You can lose your car if you don't pay it back within the terms, which is usually no longer than a month.
Pitfalls to Avoid
Online title loans can be hard to successfully navigate, since the nature of Internet insurance quoting lends itself to a kind of "hidden information" problem for the borrower. Here are some potential problems with online car title loans and how to best avoid them.
If you have a car title loan you cannot pay off, you may be wondering whether or not you can pay off your car title loan lender.
What is a Lien?
The word lien means the right to take away the property of someone who breaks some kind of contract. In this case, lien lender means the organization that lent you the money for your car title loan has the right to take your property in the event you cannot pay off the loan with real money. If your title loan is lien lender, it will say this in the contract, and you will have the opportunity to pay off the debt with property rather than money.
When a Car Title Loan Lien Can Be Settled
Generally, financing institutions are unlikely to accept lien lender settlements from people without contracts that include a lien lender agreement, so the first thing you should do is check your contract. If you find that it does include this type of agreement, you will have to pay off the loan lien lender according to the terms of that agreement. You will then have to assess the value of all the property you plan to offer as compensation, and if it is worth enough, you can hand the property over and be done with it. If not, you can try to work out some deal with the company. But chances are slim you will come to a favorable agreement. If you do manage to work something out, you will probably have to give more value in property than the value of the loan.