When it comes to cash loans for car titles, there are many things you should know before entering into one. These loans are also commonly called payday loans, cash collateral loans, or car title loans. They all mean the same thing, and can be used interchangeably. They require the use of your car as collateral to back the value of the loan. These loans should only be used in a case of emergency. Here are some tips and pieces of information you need to know.
Research extensively the cash loans for car titles and the various lenders around. Car title loans are low risk loans for lenders, which is a good thing for you as well. This means that there are many lenders out there who will do car title loans. You should look around at length for the right place, because interest rates on these loans are high, so you want to take the time to find a lender with the lowest rate.
The interest rates on these loans can be killer. Cash loans for car titles are typically a short term loan, not lasting longer than 30 days. Because of this, lenders charge a high percentage rate to ensure that they make money. The percentage rate they give you will be the monthly rate, which may look okay on the surface. They may say 20 percent, but that is a monthly figure. You need to multiply that by 12 to get the annual interest rate, which would be 240 percent APR. This is absurd, and is a real danger on these loans. If you cannot pay back your loan in time, you will probably see an interest rate increase to an even higher level.
See what kind of interest rates you can get >>
The car title loan amount is determined by how much your car is worth. A lender will normally allow you to borrow up to half of the car's value. This is because if you default on the loan, they will repossess your car and sell it themselves. That leaves them room to ensure that they get back at least what they paid out for the loan. Make sure you get a fair price for your loan. They also may require that you add some more insurance to the car, since they will be holding the title while you still get to drive the car.
As you can see, there are clear dangers with this type of loan. If you default after the period, which is usually 30 days, they have every right to take away your car. However, they may allow you an extension, in which case you will have more time to pay. You will then have to pay an even higher interest rate, and you will end up paying sometimes double or triple what the original loan was worth. If you can't do that, you may lose your car.
When you apply for this loan, the car is the collateral, and the lender will hold the car title until the entire loan is paid. In order to get this type of loan, you need to own the vehicle free and clear, and not have any other type of financing or loan on the car.
Because these loans are very high risk, you need to be careful of scams. If you are living from paycheck to paycheck, and all of a sudden a deal comes around that is too good to be true, watch out. If you think about finances only in the short term, you may think this loan is a good deal, but unless it is an emergency, you need to be careful. You do not want to be locked into debt that could take years to pay off.
If you should need cash quickly and are looking into a car cash loan, talk to a financial counselor and get some advice. You may be able to work out a plan for emergencies, so that you are protecting your assets instead of putting them further at risk. If you are as knowledgeable as you can be about your assets and the loans, then it is unlikely that you will get a bad deal on a loan. The type of cash you can get with these loans is anywhere from $100 to $1,000 dollars.
If you do get this loan, make sure you only get as much money as you need. With the rates and terms of the loan, this should just tide you over for the moment. You don't want to be paying off the loan years from now. Think about exactly how much you need, and then go over your own finances. Is there any way you can reduce the amount, or hold off on purchases until your next payday? Think about what you really need.
If you have determined that you need the cash now, try to get it from a reputable company. Do not answer ads you see online. It is worth it to take the extra time to attempt to find a decent deal on this loan.
CarsDirect Financing
CarsDirect helps more credit-challenged customers find car loans than any other website in the country. The company works with a network of dealers who specialize in car loan financing. The dealer has access to a number of financial institutions and will shop around to find you the best deal. Just fill out a simple application and you will be on your way to receiving a car loan.