How to Tell If Your Schnauzer Puppy Is Miniature, Standard or Giant

How to Tell If Your Schnauzer Puppy Is Miniature, Standard or Giant

The schnauzer is an intelligent and loyal dog breed easily identified by its wiry hair and mustache-like facial hair. The breed comes in three different sizes, which can make it easy to get confused as to what kind of schnauzer you want or have. Knowing how to tell if a schnauzer is standard, giant or miniature gives you the opportunity to properly educate yourself on the breed while introducing your dog in a correct manner.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Digital weight scale
  • Notebook and pencil
  • Measure the dog's height from its shoulders to its feet.

  • Measure the dog's length from its shoulders to its back haunches.

  • Weigh the dog on a digital weight scale.

  • Write down the measurements and weight so you don't forget them, and refer to a schnauzer dog breed guide. Miniature schnauzers ordinarily don't weigh more than 15 lbs. and measure about 12 to 14 inches in height. Standard schnauzers measure about 19 inches tall and weigh around 20 lbs. Giant schnauzers are larger than the other two breeds, as the name denotes. They can reach up to 30 inches in height and their weight ranges from 30 to 50 lbs.