Volkswagen's Electronic Stabilization Program (ESP) is an automatic braking system that predicts critical driving situations, using sensors to monitor wheel progress and slip. The system takes over the situation by braking opposing wheels and reducing engine power to increase traction.
The ESP control module failure is a common problem that in 2008, attributed to poor component selection across the VW range by the car maker. The components, especially the internal pressure sensor, fail to respond to commands, causing module failure.
Brake Pressure Sensor fault is a common problem for owners of VW's. Both the ESP light and "ESP off" switch illuminates on the dashboard, but when the "ESP off" switch is pressed, there is no effect, explains VW Problems, a technical service bulletin. VW customer care support will not fix the faults once the car is three years old, it warns.
Modifying the controller/pump in any way is risking life, warns Having the faulty components replaced by an expert with extensive knowledge in advanced braking systems and electronic control modules is highly recommended. Always check a used car for defective parts.