In Indiana, certain accidents must be reported to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) within 10 days after they occur. You may also need to submit a report to your insurance company. You can obtain these official reports by contacting the local police who investigated the accident.
Write down as much information about the accident as you can remember, including the date and time it occurred, the location, who was involved, and any case numbers you may have. (The police who investigated the accident typically provide the car owners with case numbers for future reference.)
Visit the local police department where the accident occurred. Bring the above-referenced information about the accident with you. Alternatively, you can write a request and send it to the records division of the appropriate police department.
Pay a small fee to receive the records. Fees vary by county. In Bloomington, for example, accident reports cost $5 in 2010, paid by check or money order made out to the Bloomington Police Department. In Johnson County, by contrast, such reports cost $7 (also as of 2010).