Understanding all of the rules required to pass a driving test can seem overwhelming. By mastering the basic rules of the road, you may feel more comfortable and self-assured about your test. One of the first things your driving test will entail is stopping at and proceeding through stop signs. Although this may seem simple, there are specific rules to follow for this procedure such as when to stop, how long to stop, and how to handle four-way intersections. Having a clear understanding of how to proceed at stop signs is essential to passing your test.
Slow to a stop when you approach a stop sign. Begin using the brakes far enough in advance to come to a slow, smooth stop. Do not pump the brakes.
Stop before the first painted line if there is one at the intersection. This line indicates where cars should stop to allow pedestrians to pass and to prevent cars from pulling too far into the intersection.
Look left and right to determine if the road is clear in both directions. Check for cars, pedestrians and bikers in both directions and in your rear view and side mirrors.
Wait at four-way intersections for passing traffic to clear. At four-way intersections with stop signs on each side, proceed in the order in which you arrived at the stop sign. The first car to arrive at their stop sign goes first, then the next car to arrive may proceed.
Pull forward slowly if your vision is blocked on the left or right until you can determine if the road is clear of oncoming traffic.
Cross the intersection or make your turn once the road is clear of all traffic; at four-way intersections, proceed when it is your turn. Pull into traffic and accelerate slowly and gradually to the posted speed limit.