The Oklahoma Law for a Third Brake Light

The Oklahoma Law for a Third Brake Light

Modern vehicles have brake lights as part of each taillight. A third brake light is located in the middle of the rear end of the vehicle. Your vehicle's third brake light is required to be in working order in Oklahoma.


  • Oklahoma Statute 47, Chapter 12, covers the equipment required to be in working order on vehicles in Oklahoma. This includes the third brake light.


  • If your vehicle model doesn't require a third brake light under U.S. federal law, it is not required in Oklahoma. State law enforcement officers will not consider the third brake light when conducting your vehicle inspection


  • If your car is newer than model year 1986 -- or 1994 for trucks -- Oklahoma law requires that your vehicle to have a third brake light.

Fun Fact

  • Third brake lights are also known as "center high-mounted stop lamps." Use this terminology to confuse your friends.