Start your license plate number search with the documents you already possess. This option is inexpensive and saves you time if your car’s records are well kept. To get your license plate number:
The structure and layout of registration cards and titles may vary from state to state. For registrations cards, most states have the information located immediately after the section that shows the date from which your registration is valid. For titles, the license plate number is generally located in the upper section of the page.
If you can’t trace your registration documents, or if your lien holders have the title, inquire about the license plate number for you stolen car from your state’s motor vehicles agency. Here, you have two options.
For some states, the agency's website can be helpful in searching your license plate number. If your state's motor vehicles agency provides the service online, you need to:
Type the website address of the agency and press enter.
From the options menu, select “Driving History” or “Vehicle Tag Registration.” Entry boxes will appear.
Enter your details such as name and driver’s license number into the look-up system.
Wait for your data to load, and download it.
If you appear in person, a representative will request you to:
Give your insurance information, your driver’s license and documents to prove your address.
Fill in and sign some forms requesting that you supply your license plate number information.
Pay the fee for the printout; the fee will vary depending on your state.
The clerk can allow you to wait for the printout, or it can be mailed to you.
You can use websites owned by third-party companies to conduct a license plate number search. They offer the service at a fee averaging about $29, at the time of publication, but the cost depends on the report access option you choose. You can select single-report access, such as for one week, or one-month unlimited access. Depending on your preferred website, the look-up systems prompt you for different identifying information. For example: