How Far Apart Should Maneuverability Cones Be?

  • How Far Apart Should Maneuverability Cones Be?
    Setting up traffic cones is a good way to practice for aspects of a driving exam.

They're Used For Parallel Parking Tests

  • For most states, the parallel parking tests put the maneuverability cones in a rectangular pattern that's about 6 feet wide (the width of a typical parking spot) and 25 feet long (roughly two car lengths). You must park within 12 inches of the curb.

They're Used For Other Tests, Too

  • When used for traffic-flow maneuverability tests, the three-cone solution typically has two cones 9 feet apart, and a third cone that's 20 feet in front of them and centered. The driver has to drive the car between the first two cones and drive past the third cone (passing it on the left or right, at the examiner's choice)

Bottom Line

  • Practice both exams, both parallel parking and the maneuverability exam. You may even want to shorten the distances to practice in circumstances that are tougher than the actual exam.